Janekarnkij, Penporn
Assistant Professorhttps
Ph.D. in Environmental and natural Resource Economics
University of Rhode Island, USA
expertise and interests
Valuation and Conservation of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity, Natural Resource Policies focusing on Conservation and Poverty Alleviation

Sukkumnoed, Decharut
Ph.D. Candidate in Planning and Development, Aalborg University, present
Research interests/expertise: Rural Development, Renewable Energy, Agribusiness
Winai, Puttakul
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Agricultural Education), University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
Research interests/expertise: Quantitative analysis in Agribusiness, Rural Development
email: fecownp@ku.ac.th
Poramacom, Nongnooch
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, USA
Research interests/expertise and interests: Agricultural Finance, Project Analysis
Sirisupluxna, Prapinwadee
Associate Professor
Ph.D. in Labor Economics, Northeastern University, USA
Research interests/expertise: Agricultural Market, Quantitative Analysis
email: fecopds@gmail.com
Mungkung, Nuchanata
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics
University of the Hohenheim, Germany
Research interests/expertise and interests
Economics of Forestry, Agricultural Production