PRCI Mentorship Research Grant 2023
Publications for Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (DARE) in celebration of the 80th inauguration anniversary of Kasetsart University
- Being a full-time academic staff of DARE, Kasetsart University
- Scope of research area in Applied Economics, Agricultural, Food, Resource, and
Environment Economics or Agribusiness
Application documents - Project proposal including
• Background/Justification
• Project purpose
• Description of data source(s), documentation of access to the data for publishable
research, and any prior experience working with the proposed data
• Proposed empirical analysis methodology(ies)
• Proposed division of labor among team members
• Proposed timeline
• Bibliographic references - Expected deliverables: at least one international publication (names of journal in Web
of Science (excluding emerging sources) or Scopus) - Potential research partner(s) or mentor(s) who have a good record of international
publications (H-index) (This is not mandatory. If the applicant cannot identify
partners, PRCI network mentors will be recommended.) - CVs of each individual team member
- Proposed budgets (maximum of THB 350,000). Budgets must be associated with
proposed research and development activities in relation to expected publication and
may include mentoring activities. Must not include salary. - Address current/pending potential overlap proposal (if any). Potential overlap
proposals should being submitted and updated e.g. expired and new awards
- Deliverables: draft publishable paper by March 31, 2024 and submission by May 1,
2024 - Deliverables must not be overlapping with other granted research.
- The project lead must be DARE staff. There is no limit to the number of team
members, but at least one co-author or research team member must be from other
institutes (outside Kasetsart University) who has a good record of international
publications (H-index). - Publication acknowledgement is to “Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food
Security Policy Research, Capacity, and Influence (PRCI), USAID”
As of February 8, 2023 - First author and/or corresponding author must use the affiliation of Department of
Agricultural Economics, Kasetsart University. - Budget is paid based upon actual expenses. All expense claims must be supported by
adequate evidence (e.g. original copies of receipts, invoices or bills) that the cost has
actually been incurred. - Priority is given to proposals with team member from PRCI network institutes (MSU,
IFPRI, Cornell).
Please refer to MSU Food Security Group IFPRI Cornell
Submission deadline: March 31, 2023 to Dr. Chakrit Potchanasin, email: